Thursday, April 28, 2011

Family in Italy

^ Michelle and I in Cinque Terre. A cave where you can go swimming (too bad it was raining!)
^ After climbing over 300 steps in Cinque Terre.
^ Cinque Terre with Nan under a sign that says "Gianni" !!!!!
^ My room at the house in Lucca! (sorry its sideways)
^ On the train, on the way to wine tasting in Chianti. (Auntie Loretta did my hair!)
^ Auntie Sharon and Auntie Loretta on the gondola in Venice.
^ Nan, Me, and Auntie Loretta making dinner in the kitchen at the house in Lucca.
^ Me at the Rialto Bridge in Venice.
^ Me in Gello, the small hilltown where my ancestors are from.
^ Lasagna party at my apartment with my friends and family.
^ Making lasagna noodles!!!
^ Wine bottle rolling pins! Nan, Me, and Auntie Sharon.
^ Nan and I outside the house in Lucca!!!!

My family came to visit me in Italy. My Grandma, my Auntie Loretta, and my Auntie Sharon came. They stayed for 3 weeks!! We had such a great time. It was really nice to see some family after all this time. They stayed in Lucca which is an hour and a half by train away from Florence. The house they stayed at is one that my great-great grandfather built. Its in a small town right outside of Lucca called San Michele di Moriano. There was a tiny bakery at one side of the town and a tiny store at the other end. It was such a cool house. It is huge and yellow and so homey and cozy. I hung out with them a lot and we went to the Uffizi Museum, Venice, Cinque Terre, and wine tasting in Chianti. We also made home-made lasagna! The three weeks went by soooooo fast. We all had such a great time :)

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