Monday, August 23, 2010

1 day left!

So, tomorrow is the big day. I leave for the airport around 11:30am to make my flight at 2:15pm. I am currently in the process of shoving everything into my suitcase. I can only bring one suitcase that can weigh 50lbs! I am also bringing a backpacking backpack and a purse. Everything is completely filled, yet I am still trying to fit in a little more. I am excited- yet at the same time, it still doesn't feel real. I think that it will feel real when I wake up tomorrow morning. I have a layover in Frankfort, Germany and then we fly to Florence. When we land, we have to take a taxi to our hostel. I am really curious to see how jet-lagged I will be. While I am there, I plan on writing in this blog to keep everyone at home updated on my life in Europe. I also plan on writing in a journal so that later in life, I will have something to look back on. I am keeping my mind open to all new experiences and my goal is to come back to the states completely fluent in Italian. This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime. My next post will be in Italy! Ciao!

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