Sunday, August 29, 2010


We found our apartment! It is the best apartment in all of Florence in my opinion. It is in the heart of the city, overlooking the famous Duomo. Within our apartment, there is 3 floors. On the first floor there is a double bedroom, the second floor is the bathroom and the kitchen, the third floor is a huge living room/dinning room, and the another twin bedroom with 2 nooks for the beds (one of which is mine), and then there are more stairs that lead up to our terrace/patio/balcony. It is basically on the roof and you can see the entire Duomo. It is simply perfect! The picture was taken on our terrace.
The nightlife here is amazing. We went bar hopping last night to 3 different bars. It is crazy how late these Italians stay up partying, it never seems to stop! Dancing to Italian music is so cool. We have been meeting so many students from all over the U.S, mostly from the East Coast. We have been also meeting some cool italians. I am really picking up a lot of Italian. Last night I was speaking it constantly, it was awesome. Also, someone asked us for directions last night, which shows that we probably are starting to not look like tourists anymore. 
I still have yet to try gelato, I need to soon! Everyone keeps saying how delicious it is, so I am very excited! All the street signs are in italian, but the STOP signs are in English. Very funny. I currently have 2 mosquito bites. one on my arm, one on my leg. They are huge! I thought I would gain weight once moving to Italy, but I found out that I am actually losing it. We walk so much, so I am definitely getting in shape. I also found out that we eat less because we only eat at mealtimes and it is much smaller portions that in the U.S. I really need to invest in good walking shoes because I am getting blisters! So it is considered rude in you walk into  a store/shop/bar/anywhere without saying Bongiorno or  bona sera. I really need to start learning how to order food in italian. Today is a lazy day, we are just relaxing and hanging out. 

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