Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shot Bar

So our favorite hot spot to go to is Shot Bar (Actually called Shot Cafe, but for some reason we call it Shot Bar). The bartender is awesome, his name is Armando!  The drinks there are delicious. He always gives us some for free haha. It is funny because all my friends here call me Mom, since I am the responsible one. So the other day we saw a poster for a Reggae concert, so when we got back to the hotel, we started telling everyone about it. Later we heard everyone talking about it! But the only thing was that we didn't read what street it was going to be on. So everyone knew about it, but no one knew how to get there. As it turned out, we google mapped it and it wasn't even in Florence! It was sooooo funny, but we felt kind of bad that we had everyone arrange their night around the so-called reggae concert. Today, I bought a cell phone! I can't use it to talk to anyone at home, but I can use it to keep in contact with everyone in italy. We move into our apartment tomorrow! I am so excited to stop living in a hotel and to actually put my clothes in a closet! A great aspect we found here, is the 1 Euro store! It is great! Everyone flocks there to buy cheap things. Well I am very excited to move into our apartment, and then I will be able to update this blog a lot more!  


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