Thursday, August 26, 2010

First successful day in Florence

So today we walked all around Florence, and then we went out to eat for lunch where I ordered my first legal glass of wine! It was great ordering a real drink without being 21. I was surprised that I actually enjoyed it! I ordered bruschetta and it was so refreshing with all the yummy tomatoes. It was sooo flavorful. After that we walked by an outdoor market. We passed a bag/purse stand and the guy working there said that since we are Americans, we get half off. I wasn't looking to buy anything, but I asked him how he knew we were Americans. His response was, "Because of the beauty." Haha typical Italian man. We went back to our hotel for the ciesta, where I took a nice, long nap. Then we ate dinner with all the CSU students and now we are going out for the night! Ciao!

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