Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello September

Last night we went to a club opening called "21" which was really fun, but waaaaay too many Americans, then today when we went to school, my teacher took us to the bookstore to buy our books and then instead of taking us back to class, he took us to a cafe for coffee and pastries. What a great teacher :) Today we are going to take it easy and relax. We have been on the go so much that we just want to catch our breath. We are finally in our apartment and it is great! The pic is of my new room!  We have a huge flat screen tv, but ALL the channels are in Italian! So I have a plan. I want to buy 2 of the same books (novels), one in italian and one in english and then read them at the same time to see how they translate. I love everything about Italy so far, but I only have one complaint. Everyone smokes here. The smell of it burns my nose, so I just have a constant burning sensation, pretty much every minute of each day. So that is that only thing that I wish was different here. We went to a great panini place today. It is literally a hole in the wall under a tunnel right down my street. I had a panini with mortabelli (I have no idea what that is, but I wanted to be adventurous and try something new) and ricotta cheese. It was delicious!!! I think I will probably try every panini they have there in these next nine months. So I think I need to invest in some good walking shoes. These cobblestone streets are definitely tearing up my American shoes.  So when we were touring this apartment, the Duomo bells were not loud at all. But this morning the loud ringing bells woke me up at 6am! and 7am! and 8am! till I finally got out of bed. They are a lot louder early in the morning when everyone is asleep. So I think I might buy some earplugs. Either that or wake up everyday at 6am, get an espresso and get the day started. Ha, we will see. 
Ciao Ciao

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