Sunday, September 12, 2010


So the field trip was amazing! We first went to Volterra (yes, like the Volturi in Twilight). I didn't care too much for Volterra. It was filled with lots of history, but I did not really find it interesting to me. But our next stop was San Gimignano, which I loved!!! It was absolutely beautiful and had great views of all the vineyards. I bought a bottle of white wine with 4 other people and enjoyed the view. After that, we went to Casa Machiavelli for dinner. It was a traditional Tuscan 3hr dinner. The food was great! We had bruschetta, minestrone soup, ribs, chicken, potatoes, salad, and red wine. The minestrone soup did not look appetizing when they served it to us. It was really thick and looked kind of like mush. I was anticipating if I should eat it or not, but I knew it would be rude if I didn't. So I tried it and it was delicious!!! It was sooo good. I actually did not care too much for the wine though. For desert we had biscotti with a dessert wine. You are supposed to dip the biscotti in the wine, but I also didn't care for that either. So I just ate the biscotti by itself and it was delicious. We got back from our field trip at 11pm and then I had to go straight to bed because I had to be up on Saturday morning at 6am, since we were going wine tasting at 7:30am. We took a bus to Chianti with a tour group. Our tour guide's name was Luca, who was absolutely gorgeous! Chianti was awesome right from when we got there. We took a 2 hour hike through all the vineyards and took lots of pictures. The hike was a lot of fun, but it was pretty intense at times, because Chianti is pretty hilly. Then after our hike, we went to an old family owned villa for lunch and wine tasting. The lunch lasted for about 3hours. We first had bread, salami, prosciutto and white wine. Then we had toasted bread with garlic olive oil on it. It was amazing! I think this is now my favorite thing to eat. After that we had 2 types of pasta, pesto and tomato. They were both really, really good. We had red wine with the pasta. I loved the red wine! It was chianti classico. I even bought a bottle of it before leaving. So we got back to Florence at 6pm and I was exhausted! So I decided to play it cool for the night and just go to sleep instead of going out. I'm glad I did that because this morning I woke up very refreshed! So I went out by myself and got a cappuccino, then explored a little to see what kinds of shops are close to my apartment. Then I was craving these little salty bread rolls from my favorite bakery, which is about a 10 minute walk. But when I got there, it was closed! So I got a panino right across from my apartment, which was very very good. The top picture is of me in Chianti. The next picture of of Erica, Katie, and I at San Gimignano. 

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