Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taco Tuesday

nothing too excited has been going on here. School is going good. I got an A on my last test, only missed one question :) I am trying to plan a trip for this weekend. Tomorrow I am thinking of going to Pisa. This weekend I wanted to go to Naples, Sorrento, and Capri, but I don't think that is going to work out. Today my Culture teacher, Marcello, told us that Lasagna originated in Bologna, so I definitely gotta make a trip there to try some. For my birthday in November, I am thinking of going to London to go on a Harry Potter tour! But the new Harry Potter movie comes out at the end of November, so I don't know which one I should go for. 
Tonight the roomies and I all made tacos!!! It was delicious!!! We mixed beef and chicken and bell peppers and onions and spices and tomatoes and lettuce. It was a nice change from pasta, not that I am getting tired of it or anything. 

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