Monday, September 6, 2010

Pizza and Gelato

I just had pizza at a small pizzeria around the corner from me. It was a giant piece of pepperoni and it was delicious. All the tourists were staring at us gulping down our pizza, while standing in front of our apartment. Then after that, we went to get gelato! I got caffe and it even had some coffee beans in it. Sooooooo good. This was my first time having pizza and gelato in italy! But I'm sure my lactose intolerance will get back at me sometime soon. But o well, it was definitely worth it. This morning class was great, my teacher took us outside to a piazza. On our walk there, Devon and I had a full on conversation in Italian with our teacher. We were very proud of ourselves. So I found out today that my school is offering volunteer opportunities to get acquainted with italian culture. I am seriously thinking about signing up for a couple of them. I need any way possible to learn more italian! Also I am thinking of getting a meal card at the local university so that I can go eat there. 

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