Thursday, September 9, 2010

ciao ciao

The inside of the Duomo is open everyday to the public for the cost of 8 Euro. But once a year, they open the terrace free of cost. Yesterday was the day, September 8th. We had to see the terrace, as it was a once in a lifetime chance. It was raining and we had to wait in line, but it was all worth it. The view was amazing and you could even see my apartment's terrace which was really cool. Tomorrow is my first field trip! We leave at 9am and we are going to visit 3 places. It is an all day trip, so we won't get back to Florence till midnight! We are going to Volterra, San Gimignano, and Casa Machiavelli. I am very, very excited! Then on Saturday, we are going wine tasting in Chianti. We are doing a 2 hour hike to the vineyard. It is going to be an intense weekend, but it will be so much fun. Last night, my roommates and I made a huge feast! We made pasta primavera (with zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, and chicken) and garlic bread, and salad, and red wine. It was great! Then after, some people came over and we all hung out and studied for our test that we took today. School is going great. I love how my teacher speaks in only italian in class. I am really benefitting from it. He also doesn't let us talk to our friends in english in class. If we speak italian then he is totally fine with it. It is great! One bummer is that I think I am starting to get a cold :(  My nose is a little stuffy and I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I hope it goes away! 

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