Monday, September 20, 2010

Sorrento, Capri, & Napoli

                                              ^Our Pizzas in Napoli
                                             ^ The beautiful Australian as we ate our paninis 
                                                       ^The amazing Blue Grotto
                                                 ^ Coming back from a swim in the Green Grotto
                                              ^katie, michelle, erica, me, wayne(the australian), travis, & jake
                                                        ^ On our private boat in Capri

My trip this weekend was amazing! It was the best vacation I have ever been on. On friday, we left Firenze at 1:15pm. We had to switch a bunch of trains, as that was the cheapest way, and finally got to Sorrento at 11pm! When we got to our hostel, we found out that our roommate was a gorgeous Australian. He was sooo nice and soo cute. We immediately got some limoncello, since that is what Sorrento is famous for. We went to sleep after that and woke up early to catch a boat tour of Capri. But we missed the boat by about 2 minutes. So we decided to take a ferry to Capri and just go from there. When we got to Capri, we found out that we could actually take a private boat around the whole island! So we jumped on and saw the whole island for about 2 and a half hours. It was beautiful! It was very warm out, but not too hot. We saw the white grotto first, then the green grotto, where we jumped of the boat for a swim in the Mediterranean ocean. The water felt so nice and was extremely salty. After our swim, we lounged around on the boat until we got to the Blue grotto. To get inside we had to get into a tiny 3 person boat, because there is a tiny little cove that you have to go under to get there. It was scary because we went straight into darkness. But once we were in there, the water was SOOO blue, it was like aquamarine color. Everything was dark, except for the illumination of this water. There was singing from the men paddling the boats and it was absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything like it before. I actually got pretty emotional since this was the place my Dad said was his favorite in Italy. It was as if going into this grotto gave me some closure. It made me feel more connected to him, which made me feel very happy. I am very fortunate that I got to experience this.  After we got back on land, we ate at a panini place. Then we walked up to the main square, which was quite a hike, but definitely worth it for the great views. Later we went back to sorrento and went to an outdoor bar/club, where we became friends with some Canadians. It was absolutely amazing hanging out with an Australian and Canadians the whole weekend. It is actually funny because hearing their accents all the time made me aware of my own American accent. I've never noticed my own accent before, but hearing theirs made me hear my own. On sunday, we went to Napoli because we wanted to eat at the place in Eat, Pray, Love. When we got there, it was closed!!! But the pizzeria across the street from it is owned by the same family so we went there. The pizza was delicious!!!! But Napoli is not a place I would ever want to visit again. It is such a sketchy place. I had to hold onto my bags really tight because there are creepy people everywhere. It is not a very pretty place. There is lots of litter that no one bothers to clean up. But I am glad that I experienced going there. At 2pm we boarded the train and took only one straight back to Firenze. We got back at 8pm and I was exhausted! I came back with lots of great memories and a souvenir bottle of limoncello. This was definitely my favorite trip and I want to go back very, very badly!!! I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to visit Italy. 

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